Welcome to
Richmond B.C. SDA Church Website


Latest Livestream:

Pastor: Wesley Torres

Praise 106.5 Blog Post: Health, Hope & Happiness

Starting at 9:30am every Sabbath.

Come to the 6th floor and find unit #6620

Three hour parking on 3rd level of the parkade.

Parkade is accessed from the rear of the building.


Sabbath School: 9:30 am 
Worship Service: 11:00am


Tuesday Morning Prayer Call:  6:30am on Prayer Line

Wednesday Night Bible Study at the church: 7:00pm

Friday Night Prayer Call: 7pm on Prayer Line


click here: YouTube Archive Sermons

Fellowship Meal: 1:00pm (Check Bulletin Announcements)

Sabbath Bible Study (4pm Check Bulletin not every week)

Pathfinder Club: 2:00pm 


Directions to the church:

Access the Parkade at the rear of the building. Head to the 3rd level for THREE hour FREE parking.



A Worldwide Church Family

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with over 21 million members worldwide, including 1.2 million members in North America. The Adventist Church operates more than 200 hospitals and sanitariums and  a total of 8515 educational institutions operating in over 100 countries, with over 1.95 million students in  schools around the world. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) works within communities in more than 130 countries to provide community development and disaster relief.